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Stop Loss coverage is underwritten by HM Life Insurance Company, Pittsburgh, PA, in all states except New York, under policy form series HMP-SL (08/19) or HMP-SL (06/20) or similar. In New York, Stop Loss coverage is underwritten by HM Life Insurance Company of New York, New York, NY, under policy form series HMP-SL (06/20) or similar. In all states except New York, Provider Excess Insurance is underwritten by HM Life Insurance Company, Pittsburgh, PA, or Highmark Casualty Insurance Company, Pittsburgh, PA, under policy form series HM PEL 1105, HC PEL 1105, HMP PEL (09/20) or similar. In New York, Provider Excess Insurance is underwritten under policy form series HMNY PEL1105 or similar. In all states except New York, Assumed Accident and Health Reinsurance is underwritten or reinsured by HM Life Insurance Company, Pittsburgh, PA, or Highmark Casualty Insurance Company, Pittsburgh, PA, under form HM1005-ELR or similar. In New York, Assumed Accident and Health Reinsurance is reinsured by HM Life Insurance Company of New York, New York, NY. The coverage or service requested may not be available in all states and is subject to individual state approval. Reinsurance agreements only reflect a form number when required by applicable state law.