Thursday, June 10, 2021
By LeeAnn Burgunder
Technology has created an expectation for instant information and immediate responses, but insurance intricacies require thoroughness in communication, appropriate detail and mindfulness of the highly regulated information-sharing guidances set by regulators. Striking the right balance between the demands of both of these can be a challenge, but we’re working to deliver easily accessible, essential information to our clients in a secure environment with our eServices platform, making it easier to do business with us.
The HM Insurance Group (HM) eServices platform is designed to provide convenient, self-service access for registered users (groups, TPAs and producers). Notice and claim information is quickly uploaded into our core system upon receipt and then available to display on the site, allowing for “real time” status viewing.
New and renewal Stop Loss policies also are housed on the site for reference and can be viewed online and/or downloaded. Notice and claim data can be exported into Excel spreadsheets for manipulation and reporting purposes, and Evidence of Reimbursement (EOR) notices can be exported as PDF documents to save electronically, print for paper files and/or email to impacted parties.
It’s important to note that when Stop Loss reimbursements are being made via direct deposit, eServices access is the only option for retrieving the supporting EOR. Taking into consideration that direct deposit payments are safer and faster than mailing paper checks, the eServices tool is essential to expedient notification of payment and access to the documentation necessary to manage activity.
Within the eServices platform, individual users can set preferences for receiving notifications when specific transactions of importance occur. For example, users can elect to receive an email notification when:
The status of a Stop Loss claim has been updated to “paid”
The status of a Stop Loss claim has been updated to “pended”
Direct deposit reimbursements have been processed
The Stop Loss premium due date is near (helping to ensure the client’s account is current so claim reimbursements can be made as quickly as possible)
Email notifications include the group name for which the transaction occurred and a link to log into eServices for additional details. The following are further actions offered within the eServices application to easily access information and manage notification preferences:
Export notification summaries
Identify reasons that a Stop Loss claim may have been pended
Access and export payment transaction details including date, method (with check and direct deposit reference numbers) and amounts
Access Stop Loss policies to review provisions used in administering the Stop Loss coverage
Determine frequency of notifications (daily, weekly, monthly, as they occur)
Elect to turn on/off notifications or adjust frequency at any point
Access to eServices can only be established for groups, TPAs and producers who have executed the appropriate combination of the eDelivery Agreement and supporting exhibits. The process is easy to follow:
First, the group, TPA or producer must register as an entity by executing either the Group eDelivery Agreement ;or the TPA/Producer eDelivery Agreement
Then, each individual person within the group, TPA or producer organization who wants eServices access must separately register as a user by executing either the Group Exhibit A or the TPA/Producer Exhibit A
Lastly, when the eServices request is for TPA or producer access, the group must authorize the TPA or producer’s access to their data in eServices by executing a Group Exhibit B; this is a one-page authorization form the group must execute. No additional authorizations or documentation from the group are necessary to link the TPA or producer to the group in eServices.
If a TPA or producer is not already a registered eServices user, they will need to:
Complete the TPA/Producer eDelivery Agreement
Complete the TPA /Producer Exhibit A for each individual person requesting access
Work with each Group, for which they are requesting eServices access, to complete a Group Exhibit B
If a TPA or Producer is already a registered eServices user, the following must occur:
Completion of a TPA/Producer Exhibit A only if they are requesting access for an individual person who is not already an existing user; and
Completion of a Group Exhibit B by each Group for which they do not already have eServices access. The Exhibit B can be included with the sold case paperwork to simplify the process of obtaining the Group’s authorization
We work to ensure that our producers, TPAs and policyholders have confidence in the coverage we are delivering, and an important part of our approach is providing trusted solutions. If you are interested in learning more about how eServices can make it easier for you to do business with us or establishing eServices access, contact your HM Sales Office to request the appropriate paperwork. We’ll gladly conduct demos of the eServices application to help potential or newly registered users understand what data is available, how to interpret it and how to navigate throughout the site. You also can read more in our eServices User Guide.
Why HM
A strong, experienced carrier, HM responds to market changes and works with clients to ensure their coverage needs are met through expert risk assessment and exceptional service.